PRIORITY PROGRAM “Material Synthesis near Room Temperature”
Coordinator & Contact
Projects and Participants
Mercator Fellow
Measurement Methods
Job Vacancies
Overall List
Media Reports
General Information
Mentoring for schoolgirls in
the STEM disciplines
Chemistry Camp
Girls' Day 2017
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II
Overview of granted projects
Project: |
Intermetallic Clusters and Nanoparticles |
Consortium: |
PD Dr. Silke Behrens, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Prof. Dr. Claus Feldmann, Karlsruhe |
Summary |
Project: |
Electrochemical Synthesis of Gallium and Indium Nanostructures and their Oxides/Nitrides with Ionic Liquids and Physical Surface Modification |
Consortium: |
Dr. Natalia Borisenko, Clausthal-Zellerfeld |
Summary |
Project: |
Low-Temperature Conversions of Complex Solid Precursors in Tailored Ionic Liquids: New Compounds and Insights into Reaction Principles |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Eike Brunner, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Juri Grin, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Michael Ruck, Dresden
Prof. Dr. Thomas Straßner, Dresden |
Summary |
Project: |
Low-Temperature Approach to Solvent-Free Chalcogenidometallate Materials |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dehnen, Marburg |
Summary |
Project: |
Intermetallic Nanoparticle Synthesis in Ionic Liquids |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Roland Fischer, Bochum
Prof. Dr. Christoph Janiak, Düsseldorf |
Summary |
Project: |
Multifunctional Soft Materials from and with Borate Ionic Liquids and Lanthanides |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Maik Finze, Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller-Buschbaum, Würzburg |
Summary |
Project: |
Synthesis of Novel MOF Materials from Structured and Functionalized Ionic Liquid Media |

Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann, Erlangen - Nurenberg
Dr. Peter Schulz, Erlangen - Nurenberg |
Summary |
Project: |
Electrochemical Synthesis of Functional Noble Metal Compounds in Ionic Liquids |

Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Janek, Giessen
Prof. Dr. Mathias Wickleder, Giessen |
Summary |
Project: |
Ionic Liquids in the Synthesis and Tuning of Porous Materials: Knowledge-Based Design of Properties Using a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach |

Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner, Bonn
PD Dr. Annegret Stark, Darmstadt (left the project) |
Summary |
Project: |
New Transition Metal Atom Cluster/Polynuclear Materials: In and with Ionic Liquids |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Martin Köckerling, Rostock
Summary |
Project: |
ILPIN: Ionic Liquid Precursors for Multicomponent Inorganic Nanomaterials |
Consortium: |
Juniorprof. Dr. Thomas Körzdörfer, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Andreas Taubert, Potsdam
Dr. Armin Wedel, Potsdam
Summary |
Project: |
Reducible Oxide Materials: Knowledge-Driven Design of Novel Low-Temperature Synthesis Routes |

Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda, Erlangen - Nurenberg
Prof. Dr. Peter Wasserscheid, Erlangen - Nurenberg
Summary |
Project: |
Low-Temperature Synthesis of Thermoelectric Materials by Thermal Decomposition of Tailor-made Metal Organic Precursors in Ionic Liquids |
Consortium: |
Dr. Gabi Schierning, Duisburg
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz, Essen
Summary |
Project: |
From Birth to Growth of Metastable Metal Oxides in Ionic Liquids |

Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Polarz, Konstanz
Prof. Dr. Bernd Smarsly, Giessen
Summary |
Project: |
Thermochemical Investigations of Phase Formation Processes of Elements and
Compounds of Group 15 and 16 in IL (Ionic Liquid) Based Synthesis - Mechanism of Dissolution, Structure Formation and Precipitation |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Peer Schmidt, Cottbus - Senftenberg
Summary |
Project: |
Pseudohalogen Chemistry in Ionic Liquids |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Axel Schulz, Rostock
Prof. Dr. Sergey Verevkin, Rostock
Summary |
Project: |
Functional Materials for Ligthing Applications and Antibacterial Coatings |
Consortium: |
Prof. Dr. Claudia Wickleder, Siegen
Summary |
Project Assistant
Alina Markova, M.A.
Phone: +49 351 463-31692
Fax: +49 351 463-37287
Email: spp1708(at)
Bergstraße 66,
Neubau Chemische Institute,
Room 455
Mail to:
TU Dresden
Fachrichtung Chemie
und Lebensmittelchemie
Professur für Anorganische Chemie II
01062 Dresden
Bulk mail to:
Fachrichtung Chemie
und Lebensmittelchemie
Professur für Anorganische Chemie II
Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden